gawk: Extension Mechanism Outline

1 16.3 How It Works at a High Level
1 =================================
1 Communication between 'gawk' and an extension is two-way.  First, when
1 an extension is loaded, 'gawk' passes it a pointer to a 'struct' whose
1 [image src="api-figure1.png" alt="Loading the extension" text="                          API
1                          Struct
1                          +---+
1                          |   |
1                          +---+
1          +---------------|   |
1          |               +---+      dl_load(api_p, id);
1          |               |   |  ___________________ 
1          |               +---+                     |
1          |     +---------|   |  __________________ |
1          |     |         +---+                    ||
1          |     |         |   |                    ||
1          |     |         +---+                    ||
1          |     |     +---|   |                    ||
1          |     |     |   +---+                  \\ || /
1          |     |     |                           \\  /
1          v     v     v                            \\/
1 +-------+-+---+-+---+-+------------------+--------------------+
1 |       |x|   |x|   |x|                  |OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO|
1 |       |x|   |x|   |x|                  |OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO|
1 |       |x|   |x|   |x|                  |OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO|
1 +-------+-+---+-+---+-+------------------+--------------------+
1     gawk Main Program Address Space              Extension"]
1 Figure 16.1: Loading the extension
1    The extension can call functions inside 'gawk' through these function
1 pointers, at runtime, without needing (link-time) access to 'gawk''s
1 symbols.  One of these function pointers is to a function for
1 [image src="api-figure2.png" alt="Registering a new Function" text="            register_ext_func({ \"chdir\", do_chdir, 1 });
1             +--------------------------------------------+
1             |                                            |
1             V                                            |
1 +-------+-+---+-+---+-+------------------+--------------+-+---+
1 |       |x|   |x|   |x|                  |OOOOOOOOOOOOOO|X|OOO|
1 |       |x|   |x|   |x|                  |OOOOOOOOOOOOOO|X|OOO|
1 |       |x|   |x|   |x|                  |OOOOOOOOOOOOOO|X|OOO|
1 +-------+-+---+-+---+-+------------------+--------------+-+---+
1     gawk Main Program Address Space              Extension"]
1 Figure 16.2: Registering a new function
1    In the other direction, the extension registers its new functions
1 with 'gawk' by passing function pointers to the functions that provide
1 the new feature ('do_chdir()', for example).  'gawk' associates the
1 function pointer with a name and can then call it, using a defined
1 [image src="api-figure3.png" alt="Calling the new function" text="    BEGIN {
1         chdir(\"/path\")                             (*fnptr)(1);
1     }
1             +--------------------------------------------+
1             |                                            |
1             |                                            V
1 +-------+-+---+-+---+-+------------------+--------------+-+---+
1 |       |x|   |x|   |x|                  |OOOOOOOOOOOOOO|X|OOO|
1 |       |x|   |x|   |x|                  |OOOOOOOOOOOOOO|X|OOO|
1 |       |x|   |x|   |x|                  |OOOOOOOOOOOOOO|X|OOO|
1 +-------+-+---+-+---+-+------------------+--------------+-+---+
1     gawk Main Program Address Space              Extension"]
1 Figure 16.3: Calling the new function
1    The 'do_XXX()' function, in turn, then uses the function pointers in
1 the API 'struct' to do its work, such as updating variables or arrays,
1 printing messages, setting 'ERRNO', and so on.
1    Convenience macros make calling through the function pointers look
1 like regular function calls so that extension code is quite readable and
1 understandable.
1    Although all of this sounds somewhat complicated, the result is that
1 extension code is quite straightforward to write and to read.  You can
11 see this in the sample extension 'filefuncs.c' (⇒Extension
 Example) and also in the 'testext.c' code for testing the APIs.
1    Some other bits and pieces:
1    * The API provides access to 'gawk''s 'do_XXX' values, reflecting
1      command-line options, like 'do_lint', 'do_profiling', and so on
1      (⇒Extension API Variables).  These are informational: an
1      extension cannot affect their values inside 'gawk'.  In addition,
1      attempting to assign to them produces a compile-time error.
1    * The API also provides major and minor version numbers, so that an
1      extension can check if the 'gawk' it is loaded with supports the
1      facilities it was compiled with.  (Version mismatches "shouldn't"
11      happen, but we all know how _that_ goes.)  ⇒Extension
      Versioning for details.