gawk: Extension Exercises

1 16.10 Exercises
1 ===============
1   1. Add functions to implement system calls such as 'chown()',
1      'chmod()', and 'umask()' to the file operations extension presented
1      in ⇒Internal File Ops.
1   2. Write an input parser that prints a prompt if the input is a from a
1      "terminal" device.  You can use the 'isatty()' function to tell if
1      the input file is a terminal.  (Hint: this function is usually
1      expensive to call; try to call it just once.)  The content of the
1      prompt should come from a variable settable by 'awk'-level code.
1      You can write the prompt to standard error.  However, for best
1      results, open a new file descriptor (or file pointer) on '/dev/tty'
1      and print the prompt there, in case standard error has been
1      redirected.
1      Why is standard error a better choice than standard output for
1      writing the prompt?  Which reading mechanism should you replace,
1      the one to get a record, or the one to read raw bytes?
1   3. (Hard.)  How would you provide namespaces in 'gawk', so that the
1      names of functions in different extensions don't conflict with each
1      other?  If you come up with a really good scheme, contact the
1      'gawk' maintainer to tell him about it.
1   4. Write a wrapper script that provides an interface similar to 'sed
11      -i' for the "inplace" extension presented in ⇒Extension Sample