find: Invoking locate

1 8.2 Invoking 'locate'
1 =====================
1      locate [OPTION...] PATTERN...
1    For each PATTERN given 'locate' searches one or more file name
1 databases returning each match of PATTERN.
1 '--all'
1 '-A'
1      Print only names which match all non-option arguments, not those
1      matching one or more non-option arguments.
1 '--basename'
1 '-b'
1      The specified pattern is matched against just the last component of
1      the name of a file in the 'locate' database.  This last component
1      is also called the "base name".  For example, the base name of
1      '/tmp/mystuff/foo.old.c' is 'foo.old.c'.  If the pattern contains
1      metacharacters, it must match the base name exactly.  If not, it
1      must match part of the base name.
1 '--count'
1 '-c'
1      Instead of printing the matched file names, just print the total
1      number of matches found, unless '--print' ('-p') is also present.
1 '--database=PATH'
1 '-d PATH'
1      'locate' searches the file name databases in PATH, which is a
1      colon-separated list of database file names.  You can also use the
1      environment variable 'LOCATE_PATH' to set the list of database
1      files to search.  The option overrides the environment variable if
1      both are used.  Empty elements in PATH (that is, a leading or
1      trailing colon, or two colons in a row) are taken to stand for the
1      default database.  A database can be supplied on stdin, using '-'
1      as an element of 'path'.  If more than one element of 'path' is
1      '-', later instances are ignored (but a warning message is
1      printed).
1 '--existing'
1 '-e'
1      Only print out such names which currently exist (instead of such
1      names which existed when the database was created).  Note that this
1      may slow down the program a lot, if there are many matches in the
1      database.  The way in which broken symbolic links are treated is
1      affected by the '-L', '-P' and '-H' options.  Please note that it
1      is possible for the file to be deleted after 'locate' has checked
1      that it exists, but before you use it.  This option is
1      automatically turned on when reading an 'slocate' database in
1      secure mode (⇒slocate Database Format).
1 '--non-existing'
1 '-E'
1      Only print out such names which currently do not exist (instead of
1      such names which existed when the database was created).  Note that
1      this may slow down the program a lot, if there are many matches in
1      the database.  The way in which broken symbolic links are treated
1      is affected by the '-L', '-P' and '-H' options.  Please note that
1      'locate' checks that the file does not exist, but a file of the
1      same name might be created after 'locate''s check but before you
1      read 'locate''s output.
1 '--follow'
1 '-L'
1      If testing for the existence of files (with the '-e' or '-E'
1      options), consider broken symbolic links to be non-existing.  This
1      is the default behaviour.
1 '--nofollow'
1 '-P'
1 '-H'
1      If testing for the existence of files (with the '-e' or '-E'
1      options), treat broken symbolic links as if they were existing
1      files.  The '-H' form of this option is provided purely for
1      similarity with 'find'; the use of '-P' is recommended over '-H'.
1 '--ignore-case'
1 '-i'
1      Ignore case distinctions in both the pattern and the file names.
1 '--limit=N'
1 '-l N'
1      Limit the number of results printed to N. When used with the
1      '--count' option, the value printed will never be larger than this
1      limit.
1 '--max-database-age=D'
1      Normally, 'locate' will issue a warning message when it searches a
1      database which is more than 8 days old.  This option changes that
1      value to something other than 8.  The effect of specifying a
1      negative value is undefined.
1 '--mmap'
1 '-m'
1      Accepted but does nothing.  The option is supported only to provide
1      compatibility with BSD's 'locate'.
1 '--null'
1 '-0'
1      Results are separated with the ASCII NUL character rather than the
1      newline character.  To get the full benefit of this option, use the
1      new 'locate' database format (that is the default anyway).
1 '--print'
1 '-p'
1      Print search results when they normally would not be due to use of
1      '--statistics' ('-S') or '--count' ('-c').
1 '--wholename'
1 '-w'
1      The specified pattern is matched against the whole name of the file
1      in the 'locate' database.  If the pattern contains metacharacters,
1      it must match exactly.  If not, it must match part of the whole
1      file name.  This is the default behaviour.
1 '--regex'
1 '-r'
1      Instead of using substring or shell glob matching, the pattern
1      specified on the command line is understood to be a regular
1      expression.  GNU Emacs-style regular expressions are assumed unless
1      the '--regextype' option is also given.  File names from the
1      'locate' database are matched using the specified regular
1      expression.  If the '-i' flag is also given, matching is
1      case-insensitive.  Matches are performed against the whole path
1      name, and so by default a pathname will be matched if any part of
1      it matches the specified regular expression.  The regular
1      expression may use '^' or '$' to anchor a match at the beginning or
1      end of a pathname.
1 '--regextype'
1      This option changes the regular expression syntax and behaviour
1      used by the '--regex' option.  ⇒Regular Expressions for more
1      information on the regular expression dialects understood by GNU
1      findutils.
1 '--stdio'
1 '-s'
1      Accepted but does nothing.  The option is supported only to provide
1      compatibility with BSD's 'locate'.
1 '--statistics'
1 '-S'
1      Print some summary information for each 'locate' database.  No
1      search is performed unless non-option arguments are given.
1      Although the BSD version of locate also has this option, the format
1      of the output is different.
1 '--help'
1      Print a summary of the command line usage for 'locate' and exit.
1 '--version'
1      Print the version number of 'locate' and exit.