find: Filesystems

1 2.10 Filesystems
1 ================
1 A "filesystem" is a section of a disk, either on the local host or
1 mounted from a remote host over a network.  Searching network
1 filesystems can be slow, so it is common to make 'find' avoid them.
1    There are two ways to avoid searching certain filesystems.  One way
1 is to tell 'find' to only search one filesystem:
1  -- Option: -xautofs
1      Don't descend directories on autofs filesystems.
1  -- Option: -xdev
1  -- Option: -mount
1      Don't descend directories on other filesystems.  These options are
1      synonyms.
1    The other way is to check the type of filesystem each file is on, and
1 not descend directories that are on undesirable filesystem types:
1  -- Test: -fstype type
1      True if the file is on a filesystem of type TYPE.  The valid
1      filesystem types vary among different versions of Unix; an
1      incomplete list of filesystem types that are accepted on some
1      version of Unix or another is:
1           ext2 ext3 proc sysfs ufs 4.2 4.3 nfs tmp mfs S51K S52K
1      You can use '-printf' with the '%F' directive to see the types of
1      your filesystems.  The '%D' directive shows the device number.
1      ⇒Print File Information.  '-fstype' is usually used with
11      '-prune' to avoid searching remote filesystems (⇒