cpp: Diagnostics

1 5 Diagnostics
1 *************
1 The directive '#error' causes the preprocessor to report a fatal error.
1 The tokens forming the rest of the line following '#error' are used as
1 the error message.
1    You would use '#error' inside of a conditional that detects a
1 combination of parameters which you know the program does not properly
1 support.  For example, if you know that the program will not run
1 properly on a VAX, you might write
1      #ifdef __vax__
1      #error "Won't work on VAXen.  See comments at get_last_object."
1      #endif
1    If you have several configuration parameters that must be set up by
1 the installation in a consistent way, you can use conditionals to detect
1 an inconsistency and report it with '#error'.  For example,
1      #if !defined(FOO) && defined(BAR)
1      #error "BAR requires FOO."
1      #endif
1    The directive '#warning' is like '#error', but causes the
1 preprocessor to issue a warning and continue preprocessing.  The tokens
1 following '#warning' are used as the warning message.
1    You might use '#warning' in obsolete header files, with a message
1 directing the user to the header file which should be used instead.
1    Neither '#error' nor '#warning' macro-expands its argument.  Internal
1 whitespace sequences are each replaced with a single space.  The line
1 must consist of complete tokens.  It is wisest to make the argument of
1 these directives be a single string constant; this avoids problems with
1 apostrophes and the like.