coreutils: uniq invocation

1 7.3 ‘uniq’: Uniquify files
1 ==========================
1 ‘uniq’ writes the unique lines in the given ‘input’, or standard input
1 if nothing is given or for an INPUT name of ‘-’.  Synopsis:
1      uniq [OPTION]... [INPUT [OUTPUT]]
1    By default, ‘uniq’ prints its input lines, except that it discards
1 all but the first of adjacent repeated lines, so that no output lines
1 are repeated.  Optionally, it can instead discard lines that are not
1 repeated, or all repeated lines.
1    The input need not be sorted, but repeated input lines are detected
1 only if they are adjacent.  If you want to discard non-adjacent
11 duplicate lines, perhaps you want to use ‘sort -u’.  ⇒sort
1    Comparisons honor the rules specified by the ‘LC_COLLATE’ locale
1 category.
1    If no OUTPUT file is specified, ‘uniq’ writes to standard output.
11    The program accepts the following options.  Also see ⇒Common
1 ‘-f N’
1 ‘--skip-fields=N’
1      Skip N fields on each line before checking for uniqueness.  Use a
1      null string for comparison if a line has fewer than N fields.
1      Fields are sequences of non-space non-tab characters that are
1      separated from each other by at least one space or tab.
1      For compatibility ‘uniq’ supports a traditional option syntax ‘-N’.
1      New scripts should use ‘-f N’ instead.
1 ‘-s N’
1 ‘--skip-chars=N’
1      Skip N characters before checking for uniqueness.  Use a null
1      string for comparison if a line has fewer than N characters.  If
1      you use both the field and character skipping options, fields are
1      skipped over first.
1      On systems not conforming to POSIX 1003.1-2001, ‘uniq’ supports a
1      traditional option syntax ‘+N’.  Although this traditional behavior
1      can be controlled with the ‘_POSIX2_VERSION’ environment variable
1      (⇒Standards conformance), portable scripts should avoid
1      commands whose behavior depends on this variable.  For example, use
1      ‘uniq ./+10’ or ‘uniq -s 10’ rather than the ambiguous ‘uniq +10’.
1 ‘-c’
1 ‘--count’
1      Print the number of times each line occurred along with the line.
1 ‘-i’
1 ‘--ignore-case’
1      Ignore differences in case when comparing lines.
1 ‘-d’
1 ‘--repeated’
1      Discard lines that are not repeated.  When used by itself, this
1      option causes ‘uniq’ to print the first copy of each repeated line,
1      and nothing else.
1 ‘-D’
1 ‘--all-repeated[=DELIMIT-METHOD]’
1      Do not discard the second and subsequent repeated input lines, but
1      discard lines that are not repeated.  This option is useful mainly
1      in conjunction with other options e.g., to ignore case or to
1      compare only selected fields.  The optional DELIMIT-METHOD,
1      supported with the long form option, specifies how to delimit
1      groups of repeated lines, and must be one of the following:
1      ‘none’
1           Do not delimit groups of repeated lines.  This is equivalent
1           to ‘--all-repeated’ (‘-D’).
1      ‘prepend’
1           Output a newline before each group of repeated lines.  With
1           ‘--zero-terminated’ (‘-z’), use a zero byte (ASCII NUL)
1           instead of a newline as the delimiter.
1      ‘separate’
1           Separate groups of repeated lines with a single newline.  This
1           is the same as using ‘prepend’, except that no delimiter is
1           inserted before the first group, and hence may be better
1           suited for output direct to users.  With ‘--zero-terminated’
1           (‘-z’), use a zero byte (ASCII NUL) instead of a newline as
1           the delimiter.
1      Note that when groups are delimited and the input stream contains
1      blank lines, then the output is ambiguous.  To avoid that, filter
1      the input through ‘tr -s '\n'’ to remove blank lines.
1      This is a GNU extension.
1 ‘--group[=DELIMIT-METHOD]’
1      Output all lines, and delimit each unique group.  With
1      ‘--zero-terminated’ (‘-z’), use a zero byte (ASCII NUL) instead of
1      a newline as the delimiter.  The optional DELIMIT-METHOD specifies
1      how to delimit groups, and must be one of the following:
1      ‘separate’
1           Separate unique groups with a single delimiter.  This is the
1           default delimiting method if none is specified, and better
1           suited for output direct to users.
1      ‘prepend’
1           Output a delimiter before each group of unique items.
1      ‘append’
1           Output a delimiter after each group of unique items.
1      ‘both’
1           Output a delimiter around each group of unique items.
1      Note that when groups are delimited and the input stream contains
1      blank lines, then the output is ambiguous.  To avoid that, filter
1      the input through ‘tr -s '\n'’ to remove blank lines.
1      This is a GNU extension.
1 ‘-u’
1 ‘--unique’
1      Discard the last line that would be output for a repeated input
1      group.  When used by itself, this option causes ‘uniq’ to print
1      unique lines, and nothing else.
1 ‘-w N’
1 ‘--check-chars=N’
1      Compare at most N characters on each line (after skipping any
1      specified fields and characters).  By default the entire rest of
1      the lines are compared.
1 ‘-z’
1 ‘--zero-terminated’
1      Delimit items with a zero byte rather than a newline (ASCII LF).
1      I.e., treat input as items separated by ASCII NUL and terminate
1      output items with ASCII NUL. This option can be useful in
1      conjunction with ‘perl -0’ or ‘find -print0’ and ‘xargs -0’ which
1      do the same in order to reliably handle arbitrary file names (even
1      those containing blanks or other special characters).  Note with
1      ‘-z’ the newline character is treated as a field separator.
1    An exit status of zero indicates success, and a nonzero value
1 indicates failure.