coreutils: tail invocation

1 5.2 ‘tail’: Output the last part of files
1 =========================================
1 ‘tail’ prints the last part (10 lines by default) of each FILE; it reads
1 from standard input if no files are given or when given a FILE of ‘-’.
1 Synopsis:
1      tail [OPTION]... [FILE]...
1    If more than one FILE is specified, ‘tail’ prints a one-line header
1 before the output for each FILE, consisting of:
1      ==> FILE NAME <==
1    For further processing of tail output, it can be useful to convert
1 the file headers to line prefixes, which can be done like:
1      tail ... |
1      awk '
1        /^==> .* <==$/ {prefix=substr($0,5,length-8)":"; next}
1        {print prefix$0}
1      ' | ...
1    GNU ‘tail’ can output any amount of data (some other versions of
1 ‘tail’ cannot).  It also has no ‘-r’ option (print in reverse), since
1 reversing a file is really a different job from printing the end of a
1 file; BSD ‘tail’ (which is the one with ‘-r’) can only reverse files
1 that are at most as large as its buffer, which is typically 32 KiB.  A
1 more reliable and versatile way to reverse files is the GNU ‘tac’
1 command.
11    The program accepts the following options.  Also see ⇒Common
1 ‘-c [+]NUM’
1 ‘--bytes=[+]NUM’
1      Output the last NUM bytes, instead of final lines.  However, if NUM
1      is prefixed with a ‘+’, start printing with byte NUM from the start
1      of each file, instead of from the end.  NUM may be, or may be an
1      integer optionally followed by, one of the following multiplicative
1      suffixes:
1           ‘b’  =>            512 ("blocks")
1           ‘KB’ =>           1000 (KiloBytes)
1           ‘K’  =>           1024 (KibiBytes)
1           ‘MB’ =>      1000*1000 (MegaBytes)
1           ‘M’  =>      1024*1024 (MebiBytes)
1           ‘GB’ => 1000*1000*1000 (GigaBytes)
1           ‘G’  => 1024*1024*1024 (GibiBytes)
1      and so on for ‘T’, ‘P’, ‘E’, ‘Z’, and ‘Y’.
1 ‘-f’
1 ‘--follow[=HOW]’
1      Loop forever trying to read more characters at the end of the file,
1      presumably because the file is growing.  If more than one file is
1      given, ‘tail’ prints a header whenever it gets output from a
1      different file, to indicate which file that output is from.
1      There are two ways to specify how you’d like to track files with
1      this option, but that difference is noticeable only when a followed
1      file is removed or renamed.  If you’d like to continue to track the
1      end of a growing file even after it has been unlinked, use
1      ‘--follow=descriptor’.  This is the default behavior, but it is not
1      useful if you’re tracking a log file that may be rotated (removed
1      or renamed, then reopened).  In that case, use ‘--follow=name’ to
1      track the named file, perhaps by reopening it periodically to see
1      if it has been removed and recreated by some other program.  Note
1      that the inotify-based implementation handles this case without the
1      need for any periodic reopening.
1      No matter which method you use, if the tracked file is determined
1      to have shrunk, ‘tail’ prints a message saying the file has been
1      truncated and resumes tracking the end of the file from the
1      newly-determined endpoint.
1      When a file is removed, ‘tail’’s behavior depends on whether it is
1      following the name or the descriptor.  When following by name, tail
1      can detect that a file has been removed and gives a message to that
1      effect, and if ‘--retry’ has been specified it will continue
1      checking periodically to see if the file reappears.  When following
1      a descriptor, tail does not detect that the file has been unlinked
1      or renamed and issues no message; even though the file may no
1      longer be accessible via its original name, it may still be
1      growing.
1      The option values ‘descriptor’ and ‘name’ may be specified only
1      with the long form of the option, not with ‘-f’.
1      The ‘-f’ option is ignored if no FILE operand is specified and
1      standard input is a FIFO or a pipe.  Likewise, the ‘-f’ option has
1      no effect for any operand specified as ‘-’, when standard input is
1      a FIFO or a pipe.
1      With kernel inotify support, output is triggered by file changes
1      and is generally very prompt.  Otherwise, ‘tail’ sleeps for one
1      second between checks— use ‘--sleep-interval=N’ to change that
1      default—which can make the output appear slightly less responsive
1      or bursty.  When using tail without inotify support, you can make
1      it more responsive by using a sub-second sleep interval, e.g., via
1      an alias like this:
1           alias tail='tail -s.1'
1 ‘-F’
1      This option is the same as ‘--follow=name --retry’.  That is, tail
1      will attempt to reopen a file when it is removed.  Should this
1      fail, tail will keep trying until it becomes accessible again.
1 ‘--max-unchanged-stats=N’
1      When tailing a file by name, if there have been N (default n=5)
1      consecutive iterations for which the file has not changed, then
1      ‘open’/‘fstat’ the file to determine if that file name is still
1      associated with the same device/inode-number pair as before.  When
1      following a log file that is rotated, this is approximately the
1      number of seconds between when tail prints the last pre-rotation
1      lines and when it prints the lines that have accumulated in the new
1      log file.  This option is meaningful only when polling (i.e.,
1      without inotify) and when following by name.
1 ‘-n [+]NUM’
1 ‘--lines=[+]’
1      Output the last NUM lines.  However, if NUM is prefixed with a ‘+’,
1      start printing with line NUM from the start of each file, instead
1      of from the end.  Size multiplier suffixes are the same as with the
1      ‘-c’ option.
1 ‘--pid=PID’
1      When following by name or by descriptor, you may specify the
1      process ID, PID, of the sole writer of all FILE arguments.  Then,
1      shortly after that process terminates, tail will also terminate.
1      This will work properly only if the writer and the tailing process
1      are running on the same machine.  For example, to save the output
1      of a build in a file and to watch the file grow, if you invoke
1      ‘make’ and ‘tail’ like this then the tail process will stop when
1      your build completes.  Without this option, you would have had to
1      kill the ‘tail -f’ process yourself.
1           $ make >& makerr & tail --pid=$! -f makerr
1      If you specify a PID that is not in use or that does not correspond
1      to the process that is writing to the tailed files, then ‘tail’ may
1      terminate long before any FILEs stop growing or it may not
1      terminate until long after the real writer has terminated.  Note
1      that ‘--pid’ cannot be supported on some systems; ‘tail’ will print
1      a warning if this is the case.
1 ‘-q’
1 ‘--quiet’
1 ‘--silent’
1      Never print file name headers.
1 ‘--retry’
1      Indefinitely try to open the specified file.  This option is useful
1      mainly when following (and otherwise issues a warning).
1      When following by file descriptor (i.e., with
1      ‘--follow=descriptor’), this option only affects the initial open
1      of the file, as after a successful open, ‘tail’ will start
1      following the file descriptor.
1      When following by name (i.e., with ‘--follow=name’), ‘tail’
1      infinitely retries to re-open the given files until killed.
1      Without this option, when ‘tail’ encounters a file that doesn’t
1      exist or is otherwise inaccessible, it reports that fact and never
1      checks it again.
1 ‘-s NUMBER’
1 ‘--sleep-interval=NUMBER’
1      Change the number of seconds to wait between iterations (the
1      default is 1.0).  During one iteration, every specified file is
1      checked to see if it has changed size.  Historical implementations
1      of ‘tail’ have required that NUMBER be an integer.  However, GNU
11      ‘tail’ accepts an arbitrary floating point number.  ⇒Floating
      point.  When ‘tail’ uses inotify, this polling-related option is
1      usually ignored.  However, if you also specify ‘--pid=P’, ‘tail’
1      checks whether process P is alive at least every NUMBER seconds.
1 ‘-v’
1 ‘--verbose’
1      Always print file name headers.
1 ‘-z’
1 ‘--zero-terminated’
1      Delimit items with a zero byte rather than a newline (ASCII LF).
1      I.e., treat input as items separated by ASCII NUL and terminate
1      output items with ASCII NUL. This option can be useful in
1      conjunction with ‘perl -0’ or ‘find -print0’ and ‘xargs -0’ which
1      do the same in order to reliably handle arbitrary file names (even
1      those containing blanks or other special characters).
1    For compatibility ‘tail’ also supports an obsolete usage ‘tail
1 -[NUM][bcl][f] [FILE]’, which is recognized only if it does not conflict
1 with the usage described above.  This obsolete form uses exactly one
1 option and at most one file.  In the option, NUM is an optional decimal
1 number optionally followed by a size letter (‘b’, ‘c’, ‘l’) to mean
1 count by 512-byte blocks, bytes, or lines, optionally followed by ‘f’
1 which has the same meaning as ‘-f’.
1    On systems not conforming to POSIX 1003.1-2001, the leading ‘-’ can
1 be replaced by ‘+’ in the traditional option syntax with the same
1 meaning as in counts, and on obsolete systems predating POSIX
1 1003.1-2001 traditional usage overrides normal usage when the two
1 conflict.  This behavior can be controlled with the ‘_POSIX2_VERSION’
1 environment variable (⇒Standards conformance).
1    Scripts intended for use on standard hosts should avoid traditional
1 syntax and should use ‘-c NUM[b]’, ‘-n NUM’, and/or ‘-f’ instead.  If
1 your script must also run on hosts that support only the traditional
1 syntax, you can often rewrite it to avoid problematic usages, e.g., by
1 using ‘sed -n '$p'’ rather than ‘tail -1’.  If that’s not possible, the
1 script can use a test like ‘if tail -c +1 </dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1;
1 then ...’ to decide which syntax to use.
1    Even if your script assumes the standard behavior, you should still
1 beware usages whose behaviors differ depending on the POSIX version.
1 For example, avoid ‘tail - main.c’, since it might be interpreted as
1 either ‘tail main.c’ or as ‘tail -- - main.c’; avoid ‘tail -c 4’, since
1 it might mean either ‘tail -c4’ or ‘tail -c 10 4’; and avoid ‘tail +4’,
1 since it might mean either ‘tail ./+4’ or ‘tail -n +4’.
1    An exit status of zero indicates success, and a nonzero value
1 indicates failure.