coreutils: od invocation

1 3.4 ‘od’: Write files in octal or other formats
1 ===============================================
1 ‘od’ writes an unambiguous representation of each FILE (‘-’ means
1 standard input), or standard input if none are given.  Synopses:
1      od [OPTION]... [FILE]...
1      od [-abcdfilosx]... [FILE] [[+]OFFSET[.][b]]
1      od [OPTION]... --traditional [FILE] [[+]OFFSET[.][b] [[+]LABEL[.][b]]]
1    Each line of output consists of the offset in the input, followed by
1 groups of data from the file.  By default, ‘od’ prints the offset in
1 octal, and each group of file data is a C ‘short int’’s worth of input
1 printed as a single octal number.
1    If OFFSET is given, it specifies how many input bytes to skip before
1 formatting and writing.  By default, it is interpreted as an octal
1 number, but the optional trailing decimal point causes it to be
1 interpreted as decimal.  If no decimal is specified and the offset
1 begins with ‘0x’ or ‘0X’ it is interpreted as a hexadecimal number.  If
1 there is a trailing ‘b’, the number of bytes skipped will be OFFSET
1 multiplied by 512.
1    If a command is of both the first and second forms, the second form
1 is assumed if the last operand begins with ‘+’ or (if there are two
1 operands) a digit.  For example, in ‘od foo 10’ and ‘od +10’ the ‘10’ is
1 an offset, whereas in ‘od 10’ the ‘10’ is a file name.
11    The program accepts the following options.  Also see ⇒Common
1 ‘-A RADIX’
1 ‘--address-radix=RADIX’
1      Select the base in which file offsets are printed.  RADIX can be
1      one of the following:
1      ‘d’
1           decimal;
1      ‘o’
1           octal;
1      ‘x’
1           hexadecimal;
1      ‘n’
1           none (do not print offsets).
1      The default is octal.
1 ‘--endian=ORDER’
1      Reorder input bytes, to handle inputs with differing byte orders,
1      or to provide consistent output independent of the endian
1      convention of the current system.  Swapping is performed according
1      to the specified ‘--type’ size and endian ORDER, which can be
1      ‘little’ or ‘big’.
1 ‘-j BYTES’
1 ‘--skip-bytes=BYTES’
1      Skip BYTES input bytes before formatting and writing.  If BYTES
1      begins with ‘0x’ or ‘0X’, it is interpreted in hexadecimal;
1      otherwise, if it begins with ‘0’, in octal; otherwise, in decimal.
1      BYTES may be, or may be an integer optionally followed by, one of
1      the following multiplicative suffixes:
1           ‘b’  =>            512 ("blocks")
1           ‘KB’ =>           1000 (KiloBytes)
1           ‘K’  =>           1024 (KibiBytes)
1           ‘MB’ =>      1000*1000 (MegaBytes)
1           ‘M’  =>      1024*1024 (MebiBytes)
1           ‘GB’ => 1000*1000*1000 (GigaBytes)
1           ‘G’  => 1024*1024*1024 (GibiBytes)
1      and so on for ‘T’, ‘P’, ‘E’, ‘Z’, and ‘Y’.
1 ‘-N BYTES’
1 ‘--read-bytes=BYTES’
1      Output at most BYTES bytes of the input.  Prefixes and suffixes on
1      ‘bytes’ are interpreted as for the ‘-j’ option.
1 ‘-S BYTES’
1 ‘--strings[=BYTES]’
1      Instead of the normal output, output only “string constants”: at
1      least BYTES consecutive ASCII graphic characters, followed by a
1      zero byte (ASCII NUL). Prefixes and suffixes on BYTES are
1      interpreted as for the ‘-j’ option.
1      If BYTES is omitted with ‘--strings’, the default is 3.
1 ‘-t TYPE’
1 ‘--format=TYPE’
1      Select the format in which to output the file data.  TYPE is a
1      string of one or more of the below type indicator characters.  If
1      you include more than one type indicator character in a single TYPE
1      string, or use this option more than once, ‘od’ writes one copy of
1      each output line using each of the data types that you specified,
1      in the order that you specified.
1      Adding a trailing “z” to any type specification appends a display
1      of the single byte character representation of the printable
1      characters to the output line generated by the type specification.
1      ‘a’
1           named character, ignoring high-order bit
1      ‘c’
1           printable single byte character, C backslash escape or a 3
1           digit octal sequence
1      ‘d’
1           signed decimal
1      ‘f’
1           floating point (⇒Floating point)
1      ‘o’
1           octal
1      ‘u’
1           unsigned decimal
1      ‘x’
1           hexadecimal
1      The type ‘a’ outputs things like ‘sp’ for space, ‘nl’ for newline,
1      and ‘nul’ for a zero byte.  Only the least significant seven bits
1      of each byte is used; the high-order bit is ignored.  Type ‘c’
1      outputs ‘ ’, ‘\n’, and ‘\0’, respectively.
1      Except for types ‘a’ and ‘c’, you can specify the number of bytes
1      to use in interpreting each number in the given data type by
1      following the type indicator character with a decimal integer.
1      Alternately, you can specify the size of one of the C compiler’s
1      built-in data types by following the type indicator character with
1      one of the following characters.  For integers (‘d’, ‘o’, ‘u’,
1      ‘x’):
1      ‘C’
1           char
1      ‘S’
1           short
1      ‘I’
1           int
1      ‘L’
1           long
1      For floating point (‘f’):
1      F
1           float
1      D
1           double
1      L
1           long double
1 ‘-v’
1 ‘--output-duplicates’
1      Output consecutive lines that are identical.  By default, when two
1      or more consecutive output lines would be identical, ‘od’ outputs
1      only the first line, and puts just an asterisk on the following
1      line to indicate the elision.
1 ‘-w[N]’
1 ‘--width[=N]’
1      Dump ‘n’ input bytes per output line.  This must be a multiple of
1      the least common multiple of the sizes associated with the
1      specified output types.
1      If this option is not given at all, the default is 16.  If N is
1      omitted, the default is 32.
1    The next several options are shorthands for format specifications.
1 GNU ‘od’ accepts any combination of shorthands and format specification
1 options.  These options accumulate.
1 ‘-a’
1      Output as named characters.  Equivalent to ‘-t a’.
1 ‘-b’
1      Output as octal bytes.  Equivalent to ‘-t o1’.
1 ‘-c’
1      Output as printable single byte characters, C backslash escapes or
1      3 digit octal sequences.  Equivalent to ‘-t c’.
1 ‘-d’
1      Output as unsigned decimal two-byte units.  Equivalent to ‘-t u2’.
1 ‘-f’
1      Output as floats.  Equivalent to ‘-t fF’.
1 ‘-i’
1      Output as decimal ints.  Equivalent to ‘-t dI’.
1 ‘-l’
1      Output as decimal long ints.  Equivalent to ‘-t dL’.
1 ‘-o’
1      Output as octal two-byte units.  Equivalent to ‘-t o2’.
1 ‘-s’
1      Output as decimal two-byte units.  Equivalent to ‘-t d2’.
1 ‘-x’
1      Output as hexadecimal two-byte units.  Equivalent to ‘-t x2’.
1 ‘--traditional’
1      Recognize the non-option label argument that traditional ‘od’
1      accepted.  The following syntax:
1           od --traditional [FILE] [[+]OFFSET[.][b] [[+]LABEL[.][b]]]
1      can be used to specify at most one file and optional arguments
1      specifying an offset and a pseudo-start address, LABEL.  The LABEL
1      argument is interpreted just like OFFSET, but it specifies an
1      initial pseudo-address.  The pseudo-addresses are displayed in
1      parentheses following any normal address.
1    An exit status of zero indicates success, and a nonzero value
1 indicates failure.