coreutils: ln invocation

1 12.2 ‘ln’: Make links between files
1 ===================================
1 ‘ln’ makes links between files.  By default, it makes hard links; with
1 the ‘-s’ option, it makes symbolic (or “soft”) links.  Synopses:
1      ln [OPTION]... [-T] TARGET LINKNAME
1      ln [OPTION]... TARGET
1      ln [OPTION]... -t DIRECTORY TARGET...
1    • If two file names are given, ‘ln’ creates a link to the first file
1      from the second.
1    • If one TARGET is given, ‘ln’ creates a link to that file in the
1      current directory.
1    • If the ‘--target-directory’ (‘-t’) option is given, or failing that
1      if the last file is a directory and the ‘--no-target-directory’
1      (‘-T’) option is not given, ‘ln’ creates a link to each TARGET file
1      in the specified directory, using the TARGETs’ names.
1    Normally ‘ln’ does not replace existing files.  Use the ‘--force’
1 (‘-f’) option to replace them unconditionally, the ‘--interactive’
1 (‘-i’) option to replace them conditionally, and the ‘--backup’ (‘-b’)
1 option to rename them.  Unless the ‘--backup’ (‘-b’) option is used
1 there is no brief moment when the destination does not exist; this is an
1 extension to POSIX.
1    A “hard link” is another name for an existing file; the link and the
1 original are indistinguishable.  Technically speaking, they share the
1 same inode, and the inode contains all the information about a
1 file—indeed, it is not incorrect to say that the inode _is_ the file.
1 Most systems prohibit making a hard link to a directory; on those where
1 it is allowed, only the super-user can do so (and with caution, since
1 creating a cycle will cause problems to many other utilities).  Hard
1 links cannot cross file system boundaries.  (These restrictions are not
1 mandated by POSIX, however.)
1    “Symbolic links” (“symlinks” for short), on the other hand, are a
1 special file type (which not all kernels support: System V release 3
1 (and older) systems lack symlinks) in which the link file actually
1 refers to a different file, by name.  When most operations (opening,
1 reading, writing, and so on) are passed the symbolic link file, the
1 kernel automatically “dereferences” the link and operates on the target
1 of the link.  But some operations (e.g., removing) work on the link file
1 itself, rather than on its target.  The owner and group of a symlink are
1 not significant to file access performed through the link, but do have
1 implications on deleting a symbolic link from a directory with the
1 restricted deletion bit set.  On the GNU system, the mode of a symlink
1 has no significance and cannot be changed, but on some BSD systems, the
1 mode can be changed and will affect whether the symlink will be
1 traversed in file name resolution.  ⇒(libc)Symbolic Links.
1    Symbolic links can contain arbitrary strings; a “dangling symlink”
1 occurs when the string in the symlink does not resolve to a file.  There
1 are no restrictions against creating dangling symbolic links.  There are
1 trade-offs to using absolute or relative symlinks.  An absolute symlink
1 always points to the same file, even if the directory containing the
1 link is moved.  However, if the symlink is visible from more than one
1 machine (such as on a networked file system), the file pointed to might
1 not always be the same.  A relative symbolic link is resolved in
1 relation to the directory that contains the link, and is often useful in
1 referring to files on the same device without regards to what name that
1 device is mounted on when accessed via networked machines.
1    When creating a relative symlink in a different location than the
1 current directory, the resolution of the symlink will be different than
1 the resolution of the same string from the current directory.
1 Therefore, many users prefer to first change directories to the location
1 where the relative symlink will be created, so that tab-completion or
1 other file resolution will find the same target as what will be placed
1 in the symlink.
11    The program accepts the following options.  Also see ⇒Common
1 ‘-b’
1 ‘--backup[=METHOD]’
1      ⇒Backup options.  Make a backup of each file that would
1      otherwise be overwritten or removed.
1 ‘-d’
1 ‘-F’
1 ‘--directory’
1      Allow users with appropriate privileges to attempt to make hard
1      links to directories.  However, note that this will probably fail
1      due to system restrictions, even for the super-user.
1 ‘-f’
1 ‘--force’
1      Remove existing destination files.
1 ‘-i’
1 ‘--interactive’
1      Prompt whether to remove existing destination files.
1 ‘-L’
1 ‘--logical’
1      If ‘-s’ is not in effect, and the source file is a symbolic link,
1      create the hard link to the file referred to by the symbolic link,
1      rather than the symbolic link itself.
1 ‘-n’
1 ‘--no-dereference’
1      Do not treat the last operand specially when it is a symbolic link
1      to a directory.  Instead, treat it as if it were a normal file.
1      When the destination is an actual directory (not a symlink to one),
1      there is no ambiguity.  The link is created in that directory.  But
1      when the specified destination is a symlink to a directory, there
1      are two ways to treat the user’s request.  ‘ln’ can treat the
1      destination just as it would a normal directory and create the link
1      in it.  On the other hand, the destination can be viewed as a
1      non-directory—as the symlink itself.  In that case, ‘ln’ must
1      delete or backup that symlink before creating the new link.  The
1      default is to treat a destination that is a symlink to a directory
1      just like a directory.
1      This option is weaker than the ‘--no-target-directory’ (‘-T’)
1      option, so it has no effect if both options are given.
1 ‘-P’
1 ‘--physical’
1      If ‘-s’ is not in effect, and the source file is a symbolic link,
1      create the hard link to the symbolic link itself.  On platforms
1      where this is not supported by the kernel, this option creates a
1      symbolic link with identical contents; since symbolic link contents
1      cannot be edited, any file name resolution performed through either
1      link will be the same as if a hard link had been created.
1 ‘-r’
1 ‘--relative’
1      Make symbolic links relative to the link location.
1      Example:
1           ln -srv /a/file /tmp
1           '/tmp/file' -> '../a/file'
1      Relative symbolic links are generated based on their canonicalized
1      containing directory, and canonicalized targets.  I.e., all
11      symbolic links in these file names will be resolved.  ⇒
      realpath invocation, which gives greater control over relative
1      file name generation, as demonstrated in the following example:
1           ln--relative() {
1             test "$1" = --no-symlinks && { nosym=$1; shift; }
1             target="$1";
1             test -d "$2" && link="$2/." || link="$2"
1             rtarget="$(realpath $nosym -m "$target" \
1                         --relative-to "$(dirname "$link")")"
1             ln -s -v "$rtarget" "$link"
1           }
1 ‘-s’
1 ‘--symbolic’
1      Make symbolic links instead of hard links.  This option merely
1      produces an error message on systems that do not support symbolic
1      links.
1 ‘--suffix=SUFFIX’
11      Append SUFFIX to each backup file made with ‘-b’.  ⇒Backup
1 ‘--target-directory=DIRECTORY’
1      Specify the destination DIRECTORY.  ⇒Target directory.
1 ‘-T’
1 ‘--no-target-directory’
1      Do not treat the last operand specially when it is a directory or a
1      symbolic link to a directory.  ⇒Target directory.
1 ‘-v’
1 ‘--verbose’
1      Print the name of each file after linking it successfully.
1    If ‘-L’ and ‘-P’ are both given, the last one takes precedence.  If
1 ‘-s’ is also given, ‘-L’ and ‘-P’ are silently ignored.  If neither
1 option is given, then this implementation defaults to ‘-P’ if the system
1 ‘link’ supports hard links to symbolic links (such as the GNU system),
1 and ‘-L’ if ‘link’ follows symbolic links (such as on BSD).
1    An exit status of zero indicates success, and a nonzero value
1 indicates failure.
1    Examples:
1      Bad Example:
1      # Create link ../a pointing to a in that directory.
1      # Not really useful because it points to itself.
1      ln -s a ..
1      Better Example:
1      # Change to the target before creating symlinks to avoid being confused.
1      cd ..
1      ln -s adir/a .
1      Bad Example:
1      # Hard coded file names don't move well.
1      ln -s $(pwd)/a /some/dir/
1      Better Example:
1      # Relative file names survive directory moves and also
1      # work across networked file systems.
1      ln -s afile anotherfile
1      ln -s ../adir/afile yetanotherfile