coreutils: Which files are listed

1 10.1.1 Which files are listed
1 -----------------------------
1 These options determine which files ‘ls’ lists information for.  By
1 default, ‘ls’ lists files and the contents of any directories on the
1 command line, except that in directories it ignores files whose names
1 start with ‘.’.
1 ‘-a’
1 ‘--all’
1      In directories, do not ignore file names that start with ‘.’.
1 ‘-A’
1 ‘--almost-all’
1      In directories, do not ignore all file names that start with ‘.’;
1      ignore only ‘.’ and ‘..’.  The ‘--all’ (‘-a’) option overrides this
1      option.
1 ‘-B’
1 ‘--ignore-backups’
1      In directories, ignore files that end with ‘~’.  This option is
1      equivalent to ‘--ignore='*~' --ignore='.*~'’.
1 ‘-d’
1 ‘--directory’
1      List just the names of directories, as with other types of files,
1      rather than listing their contents.  Do not follow symbolic links
1      listed on the command line unless the ‘--dereference-command-line’
1      (‘-H’), ‘--dereference’ (‘-L’), or
1      ‘--dereference-command-line-symlink-to-dir’ options are specified.
1 ‘-H’
1 ‘--dereference-command-line’
1      If a command line argument specifies a symbolic link, show
1      information for the file the link references rather than for the
1      link itself.
1 ‘--dereference-command-line-symlink-to-dir’
1      Do not dereference symbolic links, with one exception: if a command
1      line argument specifies a symbolic link that refers to a directory,
1      show information for that directory rather than for the link
1      itself.  This is the default behavior when no other
1      dereferencing-related option has been specified (‘--classify’
1      (‘-F’), ‘--directory’ (‘-d’), (‘-l’), ‘--dereference’ (‘-L’), or
1      ‘--dereference-command-line’ (‘-H’)).
1 ‘--group-directories-first’
1      Group all the directories before the files and then sort the
1      directories and the files separately using the selected sort key
1      (see –sort option).  That is, this option specifies a primary sort
1      key, and the –sort option specifies a secondary key.  However, any
1      use of ‘--sort=none’ (‘-U’) disables this option altogether.
1 ‘--hide=PATTERN’
1      In directories, ignore files whose names match the shell pattern
1      PATTERN, unless the ‘--all’ (‘-a’) or ‘--almost-all’ (‘-A’) is also
1      given.  This option acts like ‘--ignore=PATTERN’ except that it has
1      no effect if ‘--all’ (‘-a’) or ‘--almost-all’ (‘-A’) is also given.
1      This option can be useful in shell aliases.  For example, if ‘lx’
1      is an alias for ‘ls --hide='*~'’ and ‘ly’ is an alias for ‘ls
1      --ignore='*~'’, then the command ‘lx -A’ lists the file ‘README~’
1      even though ‘ly -A’ would not.
1 ‘--ignore=PATTERN’
1      In directories, ignore files whose names match the shell pattern
1      (not regular expression) PATTERN.  As in the shell, an initial ‘.’
1      in a file name does not match a wildcard at the start of PATTERN.
1      Sometimes it is useful to give this option several times.  For
1      example,
1           $ ls --ignore='.??*' --ignore='.[^.]' --ignore='#*'
1      The first option ignores names of length 3 or more that start with
1      ‘.’, the second ignores all two-character names that start with ‘.’
1      except ‘..’, and the third ignores names that start with ‘#’.
1 ‘-L’
1 ‘--dereference’
1      When showing file information for a symbolic link, show information
1      for the file the link references rather than the link itself.
1      However, even with this option, ‘ls’ still prints the name of the
1      link itself, not the name of the file that the link points to.
1 ‘-R’
1 ‘--recursive’
1      List the contents of all directories recursively.