coreutils: Date conversion specifiers

1 21.1.2 Date conversion specifiers
1 ---------------------------------
1 ‘date’ conversion specifiers related to dates.
1 ‘%a’
1      locale’s abbreviated weekday name (e.g., ‘Sun’)
1 ‘%A’
1      locale’s full weekday name, variable length (e.g., ‘Sunday’)
1 ‘%b’
1      locale’s abbreviated month name (e.g., ‘Jan’)
1 ‘%B’
1      locale’s full month name, variable length (e.g., ‘January’)
1 ‘%c’
1      locale’s date and time (e.g., ‘Thu Mar  3 23:05:25 2005’)
1 ‘%C’
1      century.  This is like ‘%Y’, except the last two digits are
1      omitted.  For example, it is ‘20’ if ‘%Y’ is ‘2000’, and is ‘-0’ if
1      ‘%Y’ is ‘-001’.  It is normally at least two characters, but it may
1      be more.
1 ‘%d’
1      day of month (e.g., ‘01’)
1 ‘%D’
1      date; same as ‘%m/%d/%y’
1 ‘%e’
1      day of month, space padded; same as ‘%_d’
1 ‘%F’
1      full date in ISO 8601 format; same as ‘%Y-%m-%d’.  This is a good
1      choice for a date format, as it is standard and is easy to sort in
1      the usual case where years are in the range 0000...9999.
1 ‘%g’
1      year corresponding to the ISO week number, but without the century
1      (range ‘00’ through ‘99’).  This has the same format and value as
1      ‘%y’, except that if the ISO week number (see ‘%V’) belongs to the
1      previous or next year, that year is used instead.
1 ‘%G’
1      year corresponding to the ISO week number.  This has the same
1      format and value as ‘%Y’, except that if the ISO week number (see
1      ‘%V’) belongs to the previous or next year, that year is used
1      instead.  It is normally useful only if ‘%V’ is also used; for
1      example, the format ‘%G-%m-%d’ is probably a mistake, since it
1      combines the ISO week number year with the conventional month and
1      day.
1 ‘%h’
1      same as ‘%b’
1 ‘%j’
1      day of year (‘001’...‘366’)
1 ‘%m’
1      month (‘01’...‘12’)
1 ‘%q’
1      quarter of year (‘1’...‘4’)
1 ‘%u’
1      day of week (‘1’...‘7’) with ‘1’ corresponding to Monday
1 ‘%U’
1      week number of year, with Sunday as the first day of the week
1      (‘00’...‘53’).  Days in a new year preceding the first Sunday are
1      in week zero.
1 ‘%V’
1      ISO week number, that is, the week number of year, with Monday as
1      the first day of the week (‘01’...‘53’).  If the week containing
1      January 1 has four or more days in the new year, then it is
1      considered week 1; otherwise, it is week 53 of the previous year,
1      and the next week is week 1.  (See the ISO 8601 standard.)
1 ‘%w’
1      day of week (‘0’...‘6’) with 0 corresponding to Sunday
1 ‘%W’
1      week number of year, with Monday as first day of week
1      (‘00’...‘53’).  Days in a new year preceding the first Monday are
1      in week zero.
1 ‘%x’
1      locale’s date representation (e.g., ‘12/31/99’)
1 ‘%y’
1      last two digits of year (‘00’...‘99’)
1 ‘%Y’
1      year.  This is normally at least four characters, but it may be
1      more.  Year ‘0000’ precedes year ‘0001’, and year ‘-001’ precedes
1      year ‘0000’.