binutils: readelf

1 15 readelf
1 **********
1      readelf [-a|--all]
1              [-h|--file-header]
1              [-l|--program-headers|--segments]
1              [-S|--section-headers|--sections]
1              [-g|--section-groups]
1              [-t|--section-details]
1              [-e|--headers]
1              [-s|--syms|--symbols]
1              [--dyn-syms]
1              [-n|--notes]
1              [-r|--relocs]
1              [-u|--unwind]
1              [-d|--dynamic]
1              [-V|--version-info]
1              [-A|--arch-specific]
1              [-D|--use-dynamic]
1              [-x <number or name>|--hex-dump=<number or name>]
1              [-p <number or name>|--string-dump=<number or name>]
1              [-R <number or name>|--relocated-dump=<number or name>]
1              [-z|--decompress]
1              [-c|--archive-index]
1              [-w[lLiaprmfFsoRtUuTgAckK]|
1               --debug-dump[=rawline,=decodedline,=info,=abbrev,=pubnames,=aranges,=macro,=frames,=frames-interp,=str,=loc,=Ranges,=pubtypes,=trace_info,=trace_abbrev,=trace_aranges,=gdb_index,=addr,=cu_index,=links,=follow-links]]
1              [--dwarf-depth=N]
1              [--dwarf-start=N]
1              [-I|--histogram]
1              [-v|--version]
1              [-W|--wide]
1              [-H|--help]
1              [-U METHOD|--unicode=METHOD]
1              ELFFILE...
1    'readelf' displays information about one or more ELF format object
1 files.  The options control what particular information to display.
1    ELFFILE... are the object files to be examined.  32-bit and 64-bit
1 ELF files are supported, as are archives containing ELF files.
1    This program performs a similar function to 'objdump' but it goes
1 into more detail and it exists independently of the BFD library, so if
1 there is a bug in BFD then readelf will not be affected.
1    The long and short forms of options, shown here as alternatives, are
1 equivalent.  At least one option besides '-v' or '-H' must be given.
1 '-a'
1 '--all'
1      Equivalent to specifying '--file-header', '--program-headers',
1      '--sections', '--symbols', '--relocs', '--dynamic', '--notes',
1      '--version-info', '--arch-specific', '--unwind', '--section-groups'
1      and '--histogram'.
1      Note - this option does not enable '--use-dynamic' itself, so if
1      that option is not present on the command line then dynamic symbols
1      and dynamic relocs will not be displayed.
1 '-h'
1 '--file-header'
1      Displays the information contained in the ELF header at the start
1      of the file.
1 '-l'
1 '--program-headers'
1 '--segments'
1      Displays the information contained in the file's segment headers,
1      if it has any.
1 '-S'
1 '--sections'
1 '--section-headers'
1      Displays the information contained in the file's section headers,
1      if it has any.
1 '-g'
1 '--section-groups'
1      Displays the information contained in the file's section groups, if
1      it has any.
1 '-t'
1 '--section-details'
1      Displays the detailed section information.  Implies '-S'.
1 '-s'
1 '--symbols'
1 '--syms'
1      Displays the entries in symbol table section of the file, if it has
1      one.  If a symbol has version information associated with it then
1      this is displayed as well.  The version string is displayed as a
1      suffix to the symbol name, preceeded by an @ character.  For
1      example 'foo@VER_1'.  If the version is the default version to be
1      used when resolving unversioned references to the symbol then it is
1      displayed as a suffix preceeded by two @ characters.  For example
1      'foo@@VER_2'.
1 '--dyn-syms'
1      Displays the entries in dynamic symbol table section of the file,
1      if it has one.  The output format is the same as the format used by
1      the '--syms' option.
1 '-U [D|I|L|E|X|H]'
1 '--unicode=[default|invalid|locale|escape|hex|highlight]'
1      Controls the display of non-ASCII characters in identifier names.
1      The default ('--unicode=locale' or '--unicode=default') is to treat
1      them as multibyte characters and display them in the current
1      locale.  All other versions of this option treat the bytes as UTF-8
1      encoded values and attempt to interpret them.  If they cannot be
1      interpreted or if the '--unicode=invalid' option is used then they
1      are displayed as a sequence of hex bytes, encloses in curly
1      parethesis characters.
1      Using the '--unicode=escape' option will display the characters as
1      as unicode escape sequences (\UXXXX).  Using the '--unicode=hex'
1      will display the characters as hex byte sequences enclosed between
1      angle brackets.
1      Using the '--unicode=highlight' will display the characters as
1      unicode escape sequences but it will also highlighted them in red,
1      assuming that colouring is supported by the output device.  The
1      colouring is intended to draw attention to the presence of unicode
1      sequences when they might not be expected.
1 '-e'
1 '--headers'
1      Display all the headers in the file.  Equivalent to '-h -l -S'.
1 '-n'
1 '--notes'
1      Displays the contents of the NOTE segments and/or sections, if any.
1 '-r'
1 '--relocs'
1      Displays the contents of the file's relocation section, if it has
1      one.
1 '-u'
1 '--unwind'
1      Displays the contents of the file's unwind section, if it has one.
1      Only the unwind sections for IA64 ELF files, as well as ARM unwind
1      tables ('.ARM.exidx' / '.ARM.extab') are currently supported.
1 '-d'
1 '--dynamic'
1      Displays the contents of the file's dynamic section, if it has one.
1 '-V'
1 '--version-info'
1      Displays the contents of the version sections in the file, it they
1      exist.
1 '-A'
1 '--arch-specific'
1      Displays architecture-specific information in the file, if there is
1      any.
1 '-D'
1 '--use-dynamic'
1      When displaying symbols, this option makes 'readelf' use the symbol
1      hash tables in the file's dynamic section, rather than the symbol
1      table sections.
1      When displaying relocations, this option makes 'readelf' display
1      the dynamic relocations rather than the static relocations.
1 '-x <number or name>'
1 '--hex-dump=<number or name>'
1      Displays the contents of the indicated section as a hexadecimal
1      bytes.  A number identifies a particular section by index in the
1      section table; any other string identifies all sections with that
1      name in the object file.
1 '-R <number or name>'
1 '--relocated-dump=<number or name>'
1      Displays the contents of the indicated section as a hexadecimal
1      bytes.  A number identifies a particular section by index in the
1      section table; any other string identifies all sections with that
1      name in the object file.  The contents of the section will be
1      relocated before they are displayed.
1 '-p <number or name>'
1 '--string-dump=<number or name>'
1      Displays the contents of the indicated section as printable
1      strings.  A number identifies a particular section by index in the
1      section table; any other string identifies all sections with that
1      name in the object file.
1 '-z'
1 '--decompress'
1      Requests that the section(s) being dumped by 'x', 'R' or 'p'
1      options are decompressed before being displayed.  If the section(s)
1      are not compressed then they are displayed as is.
1 '-c'
1 '--archive-index'
1      Displays the file symbol index information contained in the header
1      part of binary archives.  Performs the same function as the 't'
1      command to 'ar', but without using the BFD library.  ⇒ar.
1 '-w[lLiaprmfFsoRtUuTgAckK]'
1 '--debug-dump[=rawline,=decodedline,=info,=abbrev,=pubnames,=aranges,=macro,=frames,=frames-interp,=str,=loc,=Ranges,=pubtypes,=trace_info,=trace_abbrev,=trace_aranges,=gdb_index,=addr,=cu_index,=links,=follow-links]'
1      Displays the contents of the DWARF debug sections in the file, if
1      any are present.  Compressed debug sections are automatically
1      decompressed (temporarily) before they are displayed.  If one or
1      more of the optional letters or words follows the switch then only
1      those type(s) of data will be dumped.  The letters and words refer
1      to the following information:
1      'a'
1      '=abbrev'
1           Displays the contents of the '.debug_abbrev' section.
1      'A'
1      '=addr'
1           Displays the contents of the '.debug_addr' section.
1      'c'
1      '=cu_index'
1           Displays the contents of the '.debug_cu_index' and/or
1           '.debug_tu_index' sections.
1      'f'
1      '=frames'
1           Display the raw contents of a '.debug_frame' section.
1      'F'
1      '=frame-interp'
1           Display the interpreted contents of a '.debug_frame' section.
1      'g'
1      '=gdb_index'
1           Displays the contents of the '.gdb_index' and/or
1           '.debug_names' sections.
1      'i'
1      '=info'
1           Displays the contents of the '.debug_info' section.  Note: the
1           output from this option can also be restricted by the use of
1           the '--dwarf-depth' and '--dwarf-start' options.
1      'k'
1      '=links'
1           Displays the contents of the '.gnu_debuglink' and/or
1           '.gnu_debugaltlink' sections.  Also displays the link to a
1           separate dwarf object file (dwo), if one is specified by the
1           DW_AT_GNU_dwo_name or DW_AT_dwo_name attributes in the
1           '.debug_info' section.
1      'K'
1      '=follow-links'
1           Display the contents of any selected debug sections that are
1           found in a linked, separate debug info file.  This can result
1           in multiple versions of the same debug section being displayed
1           if both the main file and the separate debug info file contain
1           sections with the same name.
1           In addition, when displaying DWARF attributes, if a form is
1           found that references the separate debug info file, then the
1           referenced contents will also be displayed.
1      'l'
1      '=rawline'
1           Displays the contents of the '.debug_line' section in a raw
1           format.
1      'L'
1      '=decodedline'
1           Displays the interpreted contents of the '.debug_line'
1           section.
1      'm'
1      '=macro'
1           Displays the contents of the '.debug_macro' and/or
1           '.debug_macinfo' sections.
1      'o'
1      '=loc'
1           Displays the contents of the '.debug_loc' and/or
1           '.debug_loclists' sections.
1      'p'
1      '=pubnames'
1           Displays the contents of the '.debug_pubnames' and/or
1           '.debug_gnu_pubnames' sections.
1      'r'
1      '=aranges'
1           Displays the contents of the '.debug_aranges' section.
1      'R'
1      '=Ranges'
1           Displays the contents of the '.debug_ranges' and/or
1           '.debug_rnglists' sections.
1      's'
1      '=str'
1           Displays the contents of the '.debug_str', '.debug_line_str'
1           and/or '.debug_str_offsets' sections.
1      't'
1      '=pubtype'
1           Displays the contents of the '.debug_pubtypes' and/or
1           '.debug_gnu_pubtypes' sections.
1      'T'
1      '=trace_aranges'
1           Displays the contents of the '.trace_aranges' section.
1      'u'
1      '=trace_abbrev'
1           Displays the contents of the '.trace_abbrev' section.
1      'U'
1      '=trace_info'
1           Displays the contents of the '.trace_info' section.
1      Note: displaying the contents of '.debug_static_funcs',
1      '.debug_static_vars' and 'debug_weaknames' sections is not
1      currently supported.
1 '--dwarf-depth=N'
1      Limit the dump of the '.debug_info' section to N children.  This is
1      only useful with '--debug-dump=info'.  The default is to print all
1      DIEs; the special value 0 for N will also have this effect.
1      With a non-zero value for N, DIEs at or deeper than N levels will
1      not be printed.  The range for N is zero-based.
1 '--dwarf-start=N'
1      Print only DIEs beginning with the DIE numbered N.  This is only
1      useful with '--debug-dump=info'.
1      If specified, this option will suppress printing of any header
1      information and all DIEs before the DIE numbered N.  Only siblings
1      and children of the specified DIE will be printed.
1      This can be used in conjunction with '--dwarf-depth'.
1 '-I'
1 '--histogram'
1      Display a histogram of bucket list lengths when displaying the
1      contents of the symbol tables.
1 '-v'
1 '--version'
1      Display the version number of readelf.
1 '-W'
1 '--wide'
1      Don't break output lines to fit into 80 columns.  By default
1      'readelf' breaks section header and segment listing lines for
1      64-bit ELF files, so that they fit into 80 columns.  This option
1      causes 'readelf' to print each section header resp.  each segment
1      one a single line, which is far more readable on terminals wider
1      than 80 columns.
1 '-H'
1 '--help'
1      Display the command line options understood by 'readelf'.