bash: Programmable Completion Builtins

1 8.7 Programmable Completion Builtins
1 ====================================
1 Three builtin commands are available to manipulate the programmable
1 completion facilities: one to specify how the arguments to a particular
1 command are to be completed, and two to modify the completion as it is
1 happening.
1 'compgen'
1           compgen [OPTION] [WORD]
1      Generate possible completion matches for WORD according to the
1      OPTIONs, which may be any option accepted by the 'complete' builtin
1      with the exception of '-p' and '-r', and write the matches to the
1      standard output.  When using the '-F' or '-C' options, the various
1      shell variables set by the programmable completion facilities,
1      while available, will not have useful values.
1      The matches will be generated in the same way as if the
1      programmable completion code had generated them directly from a
1      completion specification with the same flags.  If WORD is
1      specified, only those completions matching WORD will be displayed.
1      The return value is true unless an invalid option is supplied, or
1      no matches were generated.
1 'complete'
1           complete [-abcdefgjksuv] [-o COMP-OPTION] [-DE] [-A ACTION] [-G GLOBPAT] [-W WORDLIST]
1           [-P PREFIX] [-S SUFFIX] NAME [NAME ...]
1           complete -pr [-DE] [NAME ...]
1      Specify how arguments to each NAME should be completed.  If the
1      '-p' option is supplied, or if no options are supplied, existing
1      completion specifications are printed in a way that allows them to
1      be reused as input.  The '-r' option removes a completion
1      specification for each NAME, or, if no NAMEs are supplied, all
1      completion specifications.  The '-D' option indicates that the
1      remaining options and actions should apply to the "default" command
1      completion; that is, completion attempted on a command for which no
1      completion has previously been defined.  The '-E' option indicates
1      that the remaining options and actions should apply to "empty"
1      command completion; that is, completion attempted on a blank line.
1      The process of applying these completion specifications when word
11      completion is attempted is described above (⇒Programmable
      Completion).  The '-D' option takes precedence over '-E'.
1      Other options, if specified, have the following meanings.  The
1      arguments to the '-G', '-W', and '-X' options (and, if necessary,
1      the '-P' and '-S' options) should be quoted to protect them from
1      expansion before the 'complete' builtin is invoked.
1      '-o COMP-OPTION'
1           The COMP-OPTION controls several aspects of the compspec's
1           behavior beyond the simple generation of completions.
1           COMP-OPTION may be one of:
1           'bashdefault'
1                Perform the rest of the default Bash completions if the
1                compspec generates no matches.
1           'default'
1                Use Readline's default filename completion if the
1                compspec generates no matches.
1           'dirnames'
1                Perform directory name completion if the compspec
1                generates no matches.
1           'filenames'
1                Tell Readline that the compspec generates filenames, so
1                it can perform any filename-specific processing (like
1                adding a slash to directory names quoting special
1                characters, or suppressing trailing spaces).  This option
1                is intended to be used with shell functions specified
1                with '-F'.
1           'noquote'
1                Tell Readline not to quote the completed words if they
1                are filenames (quoting filenames is the default).
1           'nosort'
1                Tell Readline not to sort the list of possible
1                completions alphabetically.
1           'nospace'
1                Tell Readline not to append a space (the default) to
1                words completed at the end of the line.
1           'plusdirs'
1                After any matches defined by the compspec are generated,
1                directory name completion is attempted and any matches
1                are added to the results of the other actions.
1      '-A ACTION'
1           The ACTION may be one of the following to generate a list of
1           possible completions:
1           'alias'
1                Alias names.  May also be specified as '-a'.
1           'arrayvar'
1                Array variable names.
1           'binding'
11                Readline key binding names (⇒Bindable Readline
1           'builtin'
1                Names of shell builtin commands.  May also be specified
1                as '-b'.
1           'command'
1                Command names.  May also be specified as '-c'.
1           'directory'
1                Directory names.  May also be specified as '-d'.
1           'disabled'
1                Names of disabled shell builtins.
1           'enabled'
1                Names of enabled shell builtins.
1           'export'
1                Names of exported shell variables.  May also be specified
1                as '-e'.
1           'file'
1                File names.  May also be specified as '-f'.
1           'function'
1                Names of shell functions.
1           'group'
1                Group names.  May also be specified as '-g'.
1           'helptopic'
11                Help topics as accepted by the 'help' builtin (⇒Bash
1           'hostname'
1                Hostnames, as taken from the file specified by the
1                'HOSTFILE' shell variable (⇒Bash Variables).
1           'job'
1                Job names, if job control is active.  May also be
1                specified as '-j'.
1           'keyword'
1                Shell reserved words.  May also be specified as '-k'.
1           'running'
1                Names of running jobs, if job control is active.
1           'service'
1                Service names.  May also be specified as '-s'.
1           'setopt'
1                Valid arguments for the '-o' option to the 'set' builtin
1                (⇒The Set Builtin).
1           'shopt'
1                Shell option names as accepted by the 'shopt' builtin
1                (⇒Bash Builtins).
1           'signal'
1                Signal names.
1           'stopped'
1                Names of stopped jobs, if job control is active.
1           'user'
1                User names.  May also be specified as '-u'.
1           'variable'
1                Names of all shell variables.  May also be specified as
1                '-v'.
1      '-C COMMAND'
1           COMMAND is executed in a subshell environment, and its output
1           is used as the possible completions.
1      '-F FUNCTION'
1           The shell function FUNCTION is executed in the current shell
1           environment.  When it is executed, $1 is the name of the
1           command whose arguments are being completed, $2 is the word
1           being completed, and $3 is the word preceding the word being
11           completed, as described above (⇒Programmable
           Completion).  When it finishes, the possible completions are
1           retrieved from the value of the 'COMPREPLY' array variable.
1      '-G GLOBPAT'
1           The filename expansion pattern GLOBPAT is expanded to generate
1           the possible completions.
1      '-P PREFIX'
1           PREFIX is added at the beginning of each possible completion
1           after all other options have been applied.
1      '-S SUFFIX'
1           SUFFIX is appended to each possible completion after all other
1           options have been applied.
1      '-W WORDLIST'
1           The WORDLIST is split using the characters in the 'IFS'
1           special variable as delimiters, and each resultant word is
1           expanded.  The possible completions are the members of the
1           resultant list which match the word being completed.
1      '-X FILTERPAT'
1           FILTERPAT is a pattern as used for filename expansion.  It is
1           applied to the list of possible completions generated by the
1           preceding options and arguments, and each completion matching
1           FILTERPAT is removed from the list.  A leading '!' in
1           FILTERPAT negates the pattern; in this case, any completion
1           not matching FILTERPAT is removed.
1      The return value is true unless an invalid option is supplied, an
1      option other than '-p' or '-r' is supplied without a NAME argument,
1      an attempt is made to remove a completion specification for a NAME
1      for which no specification exists, or an error occurs adding a
1      completion specification.
1 'compopt'
1           compopt [-o OPTION] [-DE] [+o OPTION] [NAME]
1      Modify completion options for each NAME according to the OPTIONs,
1      or for the currently-executing completion if no NAMEs are supplied.
1      If no OPTIONs are given, display the completion options for each
1      NAME or the current completion.  The possible values of OPTION are
1      those valid for the 'complete' builtin described above.  The '-D'
1      option indicates that the remaining options should apply to the
1      "default" command completion; that is, completion attempted on a
1      command for which no completion has previously been defined.  The
1      '-E' option indicates that the remaining options should apply to
1      "empty" command completion; that is, completion attempted on a
1      blank line.
1      The '-D' option takes precedence over '-E'.
1      The return value is true unless an invalid option is supplied, an
1      attempt is made to modify the options for a NAME for which no
1      completion specification exists, or an output error occurs.