aspell: Notes on Various Filters and Filter Modes

1 4.4.1 Notes on Various Filters and Filter Modes
1 -----------------------------------------------
1 Aspell now has filter support.  You can either select from individual
1 filters or choose a filter mode.  To select a filter mode use the
1 `mode' option.  You may choose from `none', `url', `email', `sgml',
1 `ccpp', `tex' and any other available on your system.  The default mode
1 is `url'.  Individual filters can be added with the option `add-filter'
1 and removed with the `rem-filter' option.  The currently available
1 filters are `url', `email', `sgml' and `tex', `latex' (alias for
1 `tex'), `nroff', `context', as well as a bunch of filters which
1 translate the text from one format to another.
1    To check which filters are available use `aspell dump filters'.  To
1 check which filter modes are available use `aspell dump modes'.  The
1 `aspell help' command will also list all available filter and filter
1 modes.
1 None Filter Mode
1 ........................
1 The `none' mode is exactly what it says.  It turns off all filters.
1 URL Filter
1 ..................
1 The `url' filter/mode skips over URLs, host names, and email addresses.
1 Because this filter is almost always useful and rarely does any harm
1 it is enabled in all modes except `none'.  To turn it off either select
1 the `none' mode or use `rem-filter' option _after_ the desired mode is
1 selected.
1 Email Filter
1 ....................
1 The `email' filter mode skips over quoted text.  It currently does not
1 support skipping over headers however a future version should.  In the
1 meantime I suggest you use Aspell with Newsbody which can be found at
1 `'.  The option
1 `email-skip' controls the number of characters that can appear before
1 the email quote character, the default is 10.  The option
1 `add|rem-email-quote' controls the characters that are considered quote
1 characters, the defaults are `>' and `|'.
1 SGML Filter
1 ...................
1 The SGML filter allows you to spell check SGML, HTML, XHTML, and XML
1 files. In most cases everything within a tag `<tag attrib=value
1 attrib2="a whole sentence">' will be skipped by the spell checker. The
1 SGML/HTML/XML that Aspell supports is a slight superset of most DTDs
1 (Document Type Definitions) and can spell check the often non-conforming
1 HTML found on the web.
1    Two configuration options, `sgml-skip' and `sgml-check', allow you
1 to control what is spell checked. The tag and attribute names specified
1 are case insensitive.
1 sgml-skip
1      This is a list of tags whose contents will also be skipped by the
1      spell checker.  For example, if you wish to leave a misspelling in
1      a document and not have them flagged as misspellings, you could
1      surround them with a <nospellcheck> tag:
1             <TD><FONT size=2><NOSPELLCHECK>leviosa</NOSPELLCHECK>
1             is what Mr. Potter said</FONT></TD>
1      And put that word in the skip config directive:
1           add-sgml-skip nospellcheck
1 sgml-check
1      This is a list of attributes whose values you do want spell
1      checked. By default, 'alt' (<img> alternate text) is a member of
1      the check list since it is text that is seen by a web page viewer.
1      You may also want 'value' to be on the check list since that is
1      the text put on buttons:
1           add-sgml-check value
1      In this case `<input type=button value="Donr">' will be flagged as
1      a misspelling.
1    This filter will also translate SGML characters of the form
1 `&#num;'.  Other SGML characters such as `&amp;' will simply be skipped
1 over so that the word `amp', for example, will not be spell checked.
1 Eventually full support for properly translating SGML characters will
1 be added.
1 HTML Filter
1 ...................
1 The `html' filter is like the SGML Filter Mode but specialized for
1 HTML.  By default, 'script' and 'style' are members of the skip list in
1 HTML mode.
1 TeX/LaTeX Filter
1 ........................
1 The `tex' (all lowercase) filter mode skips over TeX commands and
1 parameters and/or options to certain commands.  It also skips over TeX
1 comments by default.  The option `[dont-]tex-check-comments' controls
1 whether or not Aspell will skip over TeX comments.  The option
1 `add|rem-tex-command' controls which TeX commands should have certain
1 parameters and/or options also skipped over.  Commands that are not
1 specified will have all their parameters and/or options checked.  The
1 format for each item is
1      <command> <a list of p,P,o and Os>
1    The first item is simply the command name.  The second item controls
1 which parameters to skip over.  A 'p' skips over a parameter while a
1 'P' doesn't.  Similarly an 'o' will skip over an optional parameter
1 while an 'O' doesn't.  The first letter on the list will apply to the
1 first parameter, the second letter will apply to the second parameter
1 etc.  If there are more parameters than letters Aspell will simply
1 check them as normal.  For example the option
1      add-tex-command rule pp
1 will skip over the first two parameters of the `rule' command while the
1 option
1      add-tex-command foo Pop
1 will _check_ the first parameter of the `foo' command, skip over the
1 next optional parameter, if it is present, and will skip over the
1 second parameter -- even if the optional parameter is not present --
1 and will check any additional parameters.
1    A `*' at the end of the command is simply ignored.  For example the
1 option
1      enlargethispage p
1 will ignore the first parameter in both `enlargethispage' and
1 `enlargethispage*'.
1    To remove a command simply use the `rem-tex-command' option.  For
1 example
1      rem-tex-command foo
1 will remove the command foo, if present, from the list of TeX commands.
1    The TeX filter mode is also available via `latex' alias name.
1 Texinfo Filter
1 ......................
1 The `texinfo' filter allows you to spell check Texinfo files.  It will
1 skip over any Texinfo commands and their parameters when appropriate.
1 It will also skip over some Texinfo environments such as `example'.
1 The list option `texinfo-ignore' controls which commands to ignore the
1 parameters of and the list option `texinfo-ignore-env' controls which
1 Texinfo environments to ignore.
1    The Texinfo filter has special code to deal with the `@table' and
1 related commands.  It will apply the formatting command to each of the
1 `@item' or `@itemx' commands just like Texinfo will.  This means that
1 if the formatting command is `@code' and and the `@code' command is a
1 member of the `texinfo-ignore' option than the Texinfo filter will
1 ignore the parameter of the `@item' command as if the parameter was also
1 the parameter of the `@code' command.
1    The Texinfo filter will also skip over the `\input texinfo' line.
1 Nroff Filter
1 ....................
1 The `nroff' filter mode allows you to check the spelling of Nroff
1 documents. The mode is enabled by giving `--add-filter=nroff' or `-n'
1 command line option to `aspell'. It is also automatically enabled if
1 the first three characters of the file being checked are `.\"' (a
1 `nroff' comment marker) or the file name ends in a one of the following
1 suffixes:
1    * single decimal digit from `0' to `9'
1    * letter `n'
1    * `tmac'
1 This filter mode skips following `nroff' language elements:
1    * Comments
1    * Requests
1    * Names of `nroff' registers (both traditional two-letter names and
1      GNU nroff long names)
1    * Arguments to the following requests: `ds', `de', `nr', `do', `so'.
1    * Arguments to font switch (`\f') and size switch (`\s') escapes
1    * Arguments to extended charset escape in both traditional (`\(')
1      and extended (`\[comp1 comp2 ...]') form.
1 Context Filter
1 ......................
1 The _context_ filter allows Aspell to distinguish between visible and
1 invisible contexts.  The visible ones will be spell checked and the
1 invisible ones will be ignored.  The contexts are distinguished by the
1 fact that the visible/invisible ones are delimited by specific and
1 unique delimiter characters or character sequences.  Whether the
1 delimited contexts should be visible or invisible only stated by the
1 value of the `[dont-]context-visible-first' option and not by the
1 delimiters.
1    The context delimiters are specified as pairs of delimiters via the
1 `add|rem-context-delimiters' option.  The delimiters enclosing a
1 specific context are specified as a space separated pair.  If more than
1 one delimiter pair is specified by one call of
1 `add|rem-context-delimiters' they have to be combined to a comma
1 separated list.  To indicate that a context is always closed by end of
1 line use `\0' sequence as closing delimiter.
1 Ccpp Filter Mode
1 .........................
1 The `ccpp' filter mode will limit spell checking to C/C++ comments and
1 string literals. Any code in between will be left alone.