aspell: Notes on Typo-Analysis

1 4.4.3 Notes on Typo-Analysis and the Keyboard Definition File
1 -------------------------------------------------------------
1 Aspell .33 and better will, in general, give a higher priority to
1 certain misspellings which are likely to be due to typos such as `teh'
1 instead of `the' or `hapoy' instead of `happy'.  However in order to do
1 this well Aspell needs to know the layout of the keyboard via the
1 keyboard definition file.  The keyboard definition file simply
1 identifies the keys on the keyboard and which of them are right next to
1 each other.  It has an extension of `.kbd' and all non-ASCII characters
1 are expected to be in UTF-8.
1    To identify a key use:
1      key BASE OTHER ...
1    where BASE is the base character that the key types, and OTHER are
1 other keys that the key can produce.  For example
1      key a A á Á
1    It generally is only necessary to list keys which type more than one
1 distinct letter as Aspell can derive the rest from the language data
1 file.  For example, it is not necessary to include the previously
1 mentioned key.
1    To identify two keys as being right next to each other simply list
1 the type keys right after each other.  For example the line:
1      as
1 will indicate that `a' and `s' are right next to each other.  If `as'
1 is listed as an entry it is not necessary to list `sa' as an entry as
1 that will be done automatically.  Also by "right next to each other" I
1 mean two keys that are close enough together that it is easy to type
1 one instead of the other.  On most keyboards this means keys that are
1 to the left or to the right of each other and _not_ keys that are below
1 or above it.
1    The default for this option is normally `standard'.  However the
1 default can be changed via the language data file.  The normal default,
1 `standard', should work well for most QWERTY like keyboard layouts.  It
1 may need minor adjusting for foreign keyboards.  The `dvorak' option
1 can be used for a Dvorak layout.