aspell: Controlling the Behavior of Run-together Words

1 7.7 Controlling the Behavior of Run-together Words
1 ==================================================
1 Aspell currently has support for unconditionally accepting run-together
1 words.
1    Support for unconditionally accepting run-together words can either
1 be turned on in the language data file or as a normal option via the
1 `run-together' option.  The `run-together-limit' options controls the
1 maximum number of words that can be strung together, the default is
1 normally 2.  The `run-together-min' options controls the minimum length
1 of the individual components of the run together word, the default is
1 normally 3.  Both the `run-together-limit' and `run-together-min'
1 option may be specified in both the language data file or as a normal
1 option.