as: Symbol Names

1 5.3 Symbol Names
1 ================
1 Symbol names begin with a letter or with one of '._'.  On most machines,
11 you can also use '$' in symbol names; exceptions are noted in ⇒
 Machine Dependencies.  That character may be followed by any string of
1 digits, letters, dollar signs (unless otherwise noted for a particular
1 target machine), and underscores.
1    Case of letters is significant: 'foo' is a different symbol name than
1 'Foo'.
1    Symbol names do not start with a digit.  An exception to this rule is
1 made for Local Labels.  See below.
1    Multibyte characters are supported.  To generate a symbol name
1 containing multibyte characters enclose it within double quotes and use
1 escape codes.  cf ⇒Strings.  Generating a multibyte symbol name
1 from a label is not currently supported.
1    Each symbol has exactly one name.  Each name in an assembly language
1 program refers to exactly one symbol.  You may use that symbol name any
1 number of times in a program.
1 Local Symbol Names
1 ------------------
1 A local symbol is any symbol beginning with certain local label
1 prefixes.  By default, the local label prefix is '.L' for ELF systems or
1 'L' for traditional a.out systems, but each target may have its own set
1 of local label prefixes.  On the HPPA local symbols begin with 'L$'.
1    Local symbols are defined and used within the assembler, but they are
1 normally not saved in object files.  Thus, they are not visible when
11 debugging.  You may use the '-L' option (⇒Include Local Symbols
 L.) to retain the local symbols in the object files.
1 Local Labels
1 ------------
1 Local labels are different from local symbols.  Local labels help
1 compilers and programmers use names temporarily.  They create symbols
1 which are guaranteed to be unique over the entire scope of the input
1 source code and which can be referred to by a simple notation.  To
1 define a local label, write a label of the form 'N:' (where N represents
1 any non-negative integer).  To refer to the most recent previous
1 definition of that label write 'Nb', using the same number as when you
1 defined the label.  To refer to the next definition of a local label,
1 write 'Nf'.  The 'b' stands for "backwards" and the 'f' stands for
1 "forwards".
1    There is no restriction on how you can use these labels, and you can
1 reuse them too.  So that it is possible to repeatedly define the same
1 local label (using the same number 'N'), although you can only refer to
1 the most recently defined local label of that number (for a backwards
1 reference) or the next definition of a specific local label for a
1 forward reference.  It is also worth noting that the first 10 local
1 labels ('0:'...'9:') are implemented in a slightly more efficient manner
1 than the others.
1    Here is an example:
1      1:        branch 1f
1      2:        branch 1b
1      1:        branch 2f
1      2:        branch 1b
1    Which is the equivalent of:
1      label_1:  branch label_3
1      label_2:  branch label_1
1      label_3:  branch label_4
1      label_4:  branch label_3
1    Local label names are only a notational device.  They are immediately
1 transformed into more conventional symbol names before the assembler
1 uses them.  The symbol names are stored in the symbol table, appear in
1 error messages, and are optionally emitted to the object file.  The
1 names are constructed using these parts:
1 '_local label prefix_'
1      All local symbols begin with the system-specific local label
1      prefix.  Normally both 'as' and 'ld' forget symbols that start with
1      the local label prefix.  These labels are used for symbols you are
1      never intended to see.  If you use the '-L' option then 'as'
1      retains these symbols in the object file.  If you also instruct
1      'ld' to retain these symbols, you may use them in debugging.
1      This is the number that was used in the local label definition.  So
1      if the label is written '55:' then the number is '55'.
1 'C-B'
1      This unusual character is included so you do not accidentally
1      invent a symbol of the same name.  The character has ASCII value of
1      '\002' (control-B).
1 '_ordinal number_'
1      This is a serial number to keep the labels distinct.  The first
1      definition of '0:' gets the number '1'.  The 15th definition of
1      '0:' gets the number '15', and so on.  Likewise the first
1      definition of '1:' gets the number '1' and its 15th definition gets
1      '15' as well.
1    So for example, the first '1:' may be named '.L1C-B1', and the 44th
1 '3:' may be named '.L3C-B44'.
1 Dollar Local Labels
1 -------------------
1 On some targets 'as' also supports an even more local form of local
1 labels called dollar labels.  These labels go out of scope (i.e., they
1 become undefined) as soon as a non-local label is defined.  Thus they
1 remain valid for only a small region of the input source code.  Normal
1 local labels, by contrast, remain in scope for the entire file, or until
1 they are redefined by another occurrence of the same local label.
1    Dollar labels are defined in exactly the same way as ordinary local
1 labels, except that they have a dollar sign suffix to their numeric
1 value, e.g., '55$:'.
1    They can also be distinguished from ordinary local labels by their
1 transformed names which use ASCII character '\001' (control-A) as the
1 magic character to distinguish them from ordinary labels.  For example,
1 the fifth definition of '6$' may be named '.L6'C-A'5'.