as: PRU Options

1 9.36.1 Options
1 --------------
1 '-mlink-relax'
1      Assume that LD would optimize LDI32 instructions by checking the
1      upper 16 bits of the EXPRESSION.  If they are all zeros, then LD
1      would shorten the LDI32 instruction to a single LDI. In such case
1      'as' will output DIFF relocations for diff expressions.
1 '-mno-link-relax'
1      Assume that LD would not optimize LDI32 instructions.  As a
1      consequence, DIFF relocations will not be emitted.
1 '-mno-warn-regname-label'
1      Do not warn if a label name matches a register name.  Usually
1      assembler programmers will want this warning to be emitted.  C
1      compilers may want to turn this off.