as: MIPS ASE Instruction Generation Overrides

1 9.27.12 Directives to control generation of MIPS ASE instructions
1 -----------------------------------------------------------------
1 The directive '.set mips3d' makes the assembler accept instructions from
1 the MIPS-3D Application Specific Extension from that point on in the
1 assembly.  The '.set nomips3d' directive prevents MIPS-3D instructions
1 from being accepted.
1    The directive '.set smartmips' makes the assembler accept
1 instructions from the SmartMIPS Application Specific Extension to the
1 MIPS32 ISA from that point on in the assembly.  The '.set nosmartmips'
1 directive prevents SmartMIPS instructions from being accepted.
1    The directive '.set mdmx' makes the assembler accept instructions
1 from the MDMX Application Specific Extension from that point on in the
1 assembly.  The '.set nomdmx' directive prevents MDMX instructions from
1 being accepted.
1    The directive '.set dsp' makes the assembler accept instructions from
1 the DSP Release 1 Application Specific Extension from that point on in
1 the assembly.  The '.set nodsp' directive prevents DSP Release 1
1 instructions from being accepted.
1    The directive '.set dspr2' makes the assembler accept instructions
1 from the DSP Release 2 Application Specific Extension from that point on
1 in the assembly.  This directive implies '.set dsp'.  The '.set nodspr2'
1 directive prevents DSP Release 2 instructions from being accepted.
1    The directive '.set dspr3' makes the assembler accept instructions
1 from the DSP Release 3 Application Specific Extension from that point on
1 in the assembly.  This directive implies '.set dsp' and '.set dspr2'.
1 The '.set nodspr3' directive prevents DSP Release 3 instructions from
1 being accepted.
1    The directive '.set mt' makes the assembler accept instructions from
1 the MT Application Specific Extension from that point on in the
1 assembly.  The '.set nomt' directive prevents MT instructions from being
1 accepted.
1    The directive '.set mcu' makes the assembler accept instructions from
1 the MCU Application Specific Extension from that point on in the
1 assembly.  The '.set nomcu' directive prevents MCU instructions from
1 being accepted.
1    The directive '.set msa' makes the assembler accept instructions from
1 the MIPS SIMD Architecture Extension from that point on in the assembly.
1 The '.set nomsa' directive prevents MSA instructions from being
1 accepted.
1    The directive '.set virt' makes the assembler accept instructions
1 from the Virtualization Application Specific Extension from that point
1 on in the assembly.  The '.set novirt' directive prevents Virtualization
1 instructions from being accepted.
1    The directive '.set xpa' makes the assembler accept instructions from
1 the XPA Extension from that point on in the assembly.  The '.set noxpa'
1 directive prevents XPA instructions from being accepted.
1    The directive '.set mips16e2' makes the assembler accept instructions
1 from the MIPS16e2 Application Specific Extension from that point on in
1 the assembly, whenever in MIPS16 mode.  The '.set nomips16e2' directive
1 prevents MIPS16e2 instructions from being accepted, in MIPS16 mode.
1 Neither directive affects the state of MIPS16 mode being active itself
1 which has separate controls.
1    Traditional MIPS assemblers do not support these directives.