as: Comments

1 3.3 Comments
1 ============
1 There are two ways of rendering comments to 'as'.  In both cases the
1 comment is equivalent to one space.
1    Anything from '/*' through the next '*/' is a comment.  This means
1 you may not nest these comments.
1      /*
1        The only way to include a newline ('\n') in a comment
1        is to use this sort of comment.
1      */
1      /* This sort of comment does not nest. */
1    Anything from a "line comment" character up to the next newline is
1 considered a comment and is ignored.  The line comment character is
1 target specific, and some targets multiple comment characters.  Some
1 targets also have line comment characters that only work if they are the
1 first character on a line.  Some targets use a sequence of two
1 characters to introduce a line comment.  Some targets can also change
1 their line comment characters depending upon command line options that
1 have been used.  For more details see the _Syntax_ section in the
1 documentation for individual targets.
1    If the line comment character is the hash sign ('#') then it still
1 Preprocessing::) and to specify logical line numbers:
1    To be compatible with past assemblers, lines that begin with '#' have
1 a special interpretation.  Following the '#' should be an absolute
1 expression (⇒Expressions): the logical line number of the _next_
1 line.  Then a string (⇒Strings Strings.) is allowed: if present it
1 is a new logical file name.  The rest of the line, if any, should be
1 whitespace.
1    If the first non-whitespace characters on the line are not numeric,
1 the line is ignored.  (Just like a comment.)
1                                # This is an ordinary comment.
1      # 42-6 "new_file_name"    # New logical file name
1                                # This is logical line # 36.
1    This feature is deprecated, and may disappear from future versions of
1 'as'.